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The magnificent Trevi Fountain in Rome
Fontana di Trevi in Rome


Welcome to Lazio

Lazio is a central region of Italian country that hosts Rome, the capital of Italy, and the smallest state in the world: the Vatican.

Do you know the expression: all roads lead to Rome? 
It refers to the efficiency of the Roman Empire road system and the greatness of Rome. 

Emperors and Popes have made the city of Rome a treasure chest of artistic and architectural treasures and that for millennia amaze all its visitors. The city is defined as “eternal” and a sightseeing in Rome is an unforgettable experience.

Any itinerary will allow you to move in an open-air museum admiring an huge archaeological heritage: the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman and Imperial Fora, the Palatine, the Baths of Caracalla, the Circus Maximus, the Domus Aurea.

Since 1980 the historic center of Rome is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List including some of the most important artistic achievements in the history of humanity, such as: the archaeological areas, the fortifications built over the centuries (such as the city walls and Castel Sant'Angelo), the Christian Basilicas of San Giovanni in Laterano, Santa Maria Maggiore and San Paolo fuori le Mura, the countless churches, the masterpieces of Renaissance and Baroque art such as fountains, buildings and squares (Piazza Navona, Piazza del Popolo and Piazza di Spagna) made by the greatest artists of all time.

Rome is the heart of Christianity. 
Thanks to the Tombs of the Apostles, Saints and Martyrs, and in the presence of the Pope, Rome has been for centuries and still remains today, a symbol and one of the most important destinations of pilgrimages. 

The immense heritage hosted by the city of Rome and its museums is only a part of the hundreds of points of interest you can enjoy in the Lazio region. 

Traveling to the Lazio region you have the opportunity to visit small towns and ancient villages, some of which are included among "the most beautiful in Italy" such as the picturesque Civita di Bagnoregio. The region is full of monuments, churches and monasteries such as the Abbey of Montecassino in Cassino. 

Exploring the roads that depart from Rome proceeding southwards you reach the Castelli Romani area, a group of villages on the Alban Hills, in a landscape characterized by lakes and woods, villas and abbeys, vineyards and great food & wine to be enjoyed in the famous Fraschette, the typical restaurants of Ariccia.

If you are a lover of art, architecture and archaeology you can’t miss the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica who preserve extraordinary monumental testimonies of the past, the remains of the city and its public buildings such as the great theater, the baths and the temples. 

The Etruscan necropolis in Cerveteri and Tarquinia villages, together with Villa Adriana in Tivoli listed in the UNESCO World heritage sites. 

Here the nature is extraordinary and offers unique landscapes, between the Apennines and the Tyrrhenian Sea: from the sheep tracks (the roads traveled in the transhumance, the seasonal migration of flocks, herds and shepherds) to the old beech forest of the Cimini mountains, a forest of gigantic trees 50 meters high, the uncontaminated beauty of the Circeo National Park, to the 300 km of sandy and rocky coasts from which you can to discover the archipelago of the Pontine Islands.

The flavors of local products are unique (such as guanciale and pecorino romano cheese) and a cuisine based on simple ingredients. 
The queen of the table is the pasta: all'amatriciana, carbonara, cheese and pepper; there are also artichokes Roman or Judea and other dishes of Jewish-Roman cuisine (to be tasted in the many kosher restaurants of the Ghetto of Rome) or meat dishes such as the lamb, the coratella and the tripe alla romana

In the gastronomic tradition of Lazio region, one cannot forget one of the most popular and appreciated dishes such as Porchetta, originally pork recipe from Ariccia village. 

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